NoSQL on IBM i

db2nosql – A command line shell to create and query JSON data using Mongo commands. To start the command line processor, use QSHELL and run /QIBM/ProdData/OS/SQLLIB/bin/db2nosql.

The command runs through JDBC driver so ensure JRE is set in the PATH and CLASSPATH has the JDBC driver. Once command line processor shows “NoSQL” type enable (true) to set up the database artifacts.

SQL Terms/Concepts
MongoDB Terms/Concepts
document or BSON document
table joins
$lookup, embedded documents
primary key
primary key
Specify any unique column or  
Column combination as primary key.
In MongoDB, the primary key is
    automatically set to the _id field.
aggregation (e.g. group by)
aggregation pipeline

Database and Collections

Create a database with ‘use dbname’ - use petshop E.g. Below screenshot show how a new DB PETSHOP is created. With use if a database exists with that name it will be switched else a new database will be created.


Create collections - Collections in MongoDB is analogous to a table of an RDBMS.

CRUD Operations -
db.collection.insert({ }) - Inserts a document or documents into a collection.

db.collection.find({ }) - Returns all the document or documents in a collection.

db.collection.find().limit(1) - Returns just one document in a collection.

db.collection.update - 

db.mammals.update({"name" : "Star Nosed Mole"}, {"name" : "start nosed mole"})

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