Python Basics

#basic python

import datetime
today =
print("Today date is :", today)
print (' ')

'''Loopoing - control flow in python '''
i = 0
while (i <= 5):
    print ('The value of while loop :', i)
    if(i == 5):
        i += 1
for i in range(5):
      print ('This is for loop:',i)
for j in range(0,10,2):
    print ('for loop skips 2 elem:',j)

''' Multiline comment -
This is LIST examples '''

primes = list()
rmv = list()
alphabets = ['A', 'B', 'C']
print('This is list:', alphabets)
print('This is 1st element :', alphabets[0])

# Check if element exist and append
if 'D' not in alphabets:
    print('This is list:', alphabets)
nxt = ['E','F','G']
print('This is list with nxt elem:', alphabets)

abcd = alphabets[0:4]
print('This is list with sliced elem:', abcd)

rmv = alphabets.pop(8)
print('remove with position using popped:', rmv,'. This is new list:', alphabets)

print('remove (I) with value, new list:', alphabets)

print('This is empty prime list:', primes)

''' Multiline comment -
This is  tuple examples '''
tup = ('red','blue','green')

print ("This is tuple: ", tup)
print ("This is 1st elem in tuple: ", tup[0])
print ("Slicing  tuple: ", tup[1:2], "note the comma")

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