Python Basics
#basic python import datetime today = print("Today date is :", today) print (' ') '''Loopoing - control flow in python ''' #WHILE i = 0 while (i <= 5): print ('The value of while loop :', i) if(i == 5): break else: i += 1 #FOR for i in range(5): print ('This is for loop:',i) for j in range(0,10,2): print ('for loop skips 2 elem:',j) print('---------------------------------------------------------') ''' Multiline comment - This is LIST examples ''' primes = list() rmv = list() alphabets = ['A', 'B', 'C'] print('This is list:', alphabets) print('This is 1st element :', alphabets[0]) # Check if element exist and append if 'D' not in alphabets: alphabets.append('D') print('This is list:', alphabets) nxt = ['E...